YuCall Autumn 2023 (US)

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YuFund aims to provide students with as many opportunities as possible to enhance the student experience at york. 

Gifts of all sizes together make the biggest change, and you could play a key role in that change by donating today.

YuFund supports projects that make opportunities equally accessible to everyone and helps to improve the student experience by creating an active and welcoming community on campus and beyond. A gift from you to YuFund today will help student groups adapt to the challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic, allowing student groups to build communities, develop students' skills and give every student the chance to enjoy student life at York.

Recently, YuFund has provided funding for The Activities Access Grant, which provides financial support for students from less advantaged backgrounds to receive funding of up to £80 to help cover the cost of up to 4 student group activities. This means these students can meet new people, and make the most of their time at university in a way that otherwise might not have been accessible to them.

Another recent project funded was the Technical Theatre Society, who received funding to buy new lighting equipment to support more student events to be outdoors and Covid-safe, in addition to the Student Union, who received funding to support the running of Roses 2021 against Lancaster University. This is Europe’s largest inter-university sports competition - which I’m very pleased to say we won! These are just a few examples of over 100 causes supported by YuFund in the last year.

Please consider making a one-off or regular gift to YuFund today to ensure that we can support students throughout the rest of this uniquely challenging academic year.

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1 year ago
David Anthony donated $60.00
1 year, 1 month ago
Catherine Wilson donated $100.00