The Place

We do not believe that a child’s postcode should determine their future. Do you?

York has one of the most significant gaps in attainment between advantaged and less advantaged children in the country. At the end of primary school there are six local authorities in the country in which disadvantaged pupils are over a year behind their peers nationally.

York is one of them. 

These communities are often ignored by national charities and government initiatives, creating a cold spot of service provision for children, young people and their families. 

But we can work together to change this.

The Place is a community learning centre based in the heart of the Chapelfields estate, open Monday to Friday including school holidays. The centre provides a safe and inspiring space for children and young people to learn and grow and for adults to connect, access support and take part in lifelong learning or training. 

With a firm belief in the power of education to transform lives, the centre enables children and young people to realise their potential and aspirations. Open since in Autumn 2023, the centre offers a programme including academic and employability support, plus extracurricular activities, so that children and young people can access opportunities to raise attainment, improve school attendance and improve well being and mental health.

“Our students are as intelligent, creative and hardworking as any in the city, they just don't believe they are.” 

- Rod Sims, Headteacher, York High School‎ ‎ ‎ 

Together we can do more.

With a one-off gift or regular donation, you can help to level the playing field for less advantaged children and young people, you can play a really important role in providing a safe space for them to learn and grow.

A donation to The Place could open up opportunities for all, helping children to reach their full potential by improving well being and mental health, growing confidence and happiness and supporting a community to access support, advice and services.

The Place, powered by philanthropy, is a community initiative led by the University of York in collaboration with York High School, Westfield Community Primary School, other key partners and the local community. Charitable donations from individuals, companies, trusts and foundations are gratefully accepted and stewarded by the University of York, a recognised exempt charity under Schedule 3 of the Charitable Act 2011. 100% of all funds raised go to The Place.

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1 month, 4 weeks ago
Elliott Duke donated £129.00
4 months ago
Eve Branston donated
1 year, 11 months ago
Mary Haworth donated monthly