The Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund

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Help fight Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss among older adults in the UK, affecting 700,000 people. It impacts central vision, making daily tasks like reading, driving, and recognising faces challenging. While not causing complete blindness, AMD significantly reduces quality of life.

The Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund

Founded in 2023 by the University of York, in partnership with Hull York Medical School,  the Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund supports cutting-edge research to improve diagnosis and treatment for AMD. By making a gift, you can help improve the lives of people living with AMD.

At the helm is Professor Richard Gale, an internationally recognised expert in retinal diseases. His research is dedicated to translating discoveries into real-world treatments that can make a difference to those affected by AMD.

 “Thank you to everyone who supports our mission. Together, we can advance early detection, improve treatments, and change lives.” - Professor Richard Gale, Professor of Ophthalmology, Hull York Medical School. Honorary Consultant Medical Ophthalmologist, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS foundation Trust

Patron Dame Judi Dench

We are deeply honoured that Dame Judi Dench, an Honorary Graduate of the University of York, has accepted the role of Patron of The Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund. 

Upon accepting her role as Patron, Dame Judi said:

“I was pleased to be asked to be a Patron of the Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund. York holds a special place in my heart as I was born and raised in the   city, and I was delighted to learn that the fund will boost the first class research being done by Hull York Medical School and the University of York on early diagnosis and treatment of age-related macular degeneration.” 

Photo credit: Robert Wilson

Join us in making a difference

Thanks to the growing number of generous supporters, we’ve already been able to fund two full-time research positions.

- A Master’s student working on biomarkers for AMD treatment

- A PhD researcher beginning in 2025, thanks to the generosity of the Burgess Family.

We’re also excited to announce that the James Burgess Lecture at the York Festival of Ideas 2025 will focus on AMD.

But we need your help to do more. Donations from people like you are incredibly important, enabling researchers to make advancements in the detection and treatments for this devastating disease.  

How you can help

Your gift can make a significant difference in AMD research. By donating, you’ll directly support the life-changing work being carried out at York and by our global research partners.

- Donate Online

- By Cheque: Payable to "University of York," and include a note to let us know your gift is for the Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund, mailed to Vicky Patteson, OPPA, University of York, Heslington, YO10 5DD.

If you are not currently in a position to make a donation, you can still support this work by helping to spread the word so that we can reach as many people as possible.

Contact us

For questions, to discuss larger donations, and to be added to the fund’s emailing list, please contact:

Sharon Oakley

Philanthropy Manager


mobile: 07795 315 108 

The Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund is established by the University of York, in partnership with Hull York Medical School. The Fund is powered by philanthropy and charitable donations. Charitable donations for the fund will be accepted and stewarded by the University of York, a recognised exempt charity under Schedule 3 of the Charitable Act 2011. 100% of all funds raised will go to the Yorkshire Macular Degeneration Fund.

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